Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 62

4 oz milk, 4 oz yogurt
4 oz mixed fruit
1 oz dry oats, cooked

2 oz peanut butter
9 oz cabbage, 5 oz celery and carrots
1/2 oz asian dressing

2 oz bacon, 1 oz cheese
4 oz potato
8 oz broccoli, 3 oz salsa, 3 oz carrots
1/2 oz sour cream

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 52

4 oz milk, 4 oz yogurt
4 oz fruit
1 oz dry oats

2 oz chicken, 1 oz cheese
9 oz cabbage, 5 oz cucumber and snappeas and carrots
1/2 oz oil

3 oz ground turkey, 1/2 oz cheese
10 oz zucchini, squash, onion, and 4 oz spagetti sauce
1/2 oz oil
3 rice cakes

With God's help and my willingness, I'll have a day of abstinence.

3 Things I'm grateful for:
1. That I can still fit 5 kids in my car comfortably so that when I have to help a friend unexpectantly, I can.
2. That my inclination is to be forgiving and give the benefit of the doubt.
3. That my husband can forgive me when I make mistakes and will always love me when I doubt I deserve his love.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tracy day 51

4 oz milk, 4 oz yogurt
2 oz dry cereal
1 banana

2 oz chicken, 1 oz cheese
9 oz cabbage, 5 oz cucumber and carrots
1/2 oz oil dressing

4 oz chicken
4 oz rice
10 oz bell peppers, onion, zucchini, 4 oz salad
1/2 oz oil dressing

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tracy Day 48

4 oz milk, 4 oz yogurt
4 oz fruit
1 oz dry oats

2 oz Chicken, 1 oz cheese
10 oz sauted veggies, 4 oz cucumber and carrots
1/2 oz oil

3 oz sausage, 1/2 oz cheese
10 oz cooked zucchini and squash and onion, 4 oz spagettie sauce
3 rice cakes
1/2 oz oil

3 things I'm grateful for:
1. That we don't have a dvd player in the car anymore because I get to hear the kids look out the window and say, "I see bluebonnets" "I see purple ones" "I see pink!"
2. That with Earth's calamaties and heartaches around the world, there is still beauty and touchstones of our Father's love for us.
3. That my children are loving. They require a hug and a kiss before bed everynight and every morning before Eddie leaves for work.
4. And an extra because my heart is full of gratitude this morning: that I've woken up early every morning to a quiet house where I can get on my knees have a meaningful prayer. I am NOT a morning person, and I know this is a gift from a loving Heavenly Father.

1 thing I like about myself:
1. I enjoy serving others.
with gods help and my willingness i will have a day of abstinence

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tracy Day 47

8 oz protein drink
3 rice cakes
1 banana

2 oz chicken, 1 oz cheese
9 oz cabbage, 5 oz cucumber, snapeas
1 oz asian dressing

4 oz talapia
4 oz rice
10 stir fry veggies (Carrots, snapeas, onion, red bell pepper), 4 oz raw veggies
1 oz oil

1 reason I like myself:
I can pour a mean thing of bacon grease without spilling. ;)

3 things I'm grateful for:
1. That we were able to financially afford to sell the van and get a car we can afford.
2. That we listened to the Spirit and got the car that is in our means rather than the car we want.
3. That we can pray and recieve revelation and communication from on high, even in regards to something "mortal" like getting a car.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tracy Day 46

2 eggs
3 rice cakes
1 small banana

2 oz ground turkey, 1 oz cheese
9 oz salad, 5 oz sauted bell peppers and onions
1 oz sour cream

2 oz bacon, 1 oz cheese
4 oz potato
9 oz broccoli, 3 oz salsa, 2 oz cucumber
1 oz sour cream

1 reason I like myself:
I'm forgiving

3 things I'm grateful for:
1. That I get to be a mom to my three children and stay home to raise them and teach them and love them.
2. That my own mother stayed home to raise me and left me a legacy of faith and kindness. She truly taught each of us to be kind to everyone and to love and lift those around you. She could walk into a grocery store bathroom and walk out with a new best friend.
3. That my dad reads his scriptures everyday. He is such an example to me of quiet faith that can move mountains. He is my hero and I love him so dearly.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tracy Day 45

I need to figure out how to fall asleep without taking exedrin p.m.

The plan:

4 oz milk, 4 oz yogurt
4 oz fruit
1 oz dry oats

2 oz chicken, 1 oz cheese
9 oz cabbage, 5 oz cucumber/carrots
1 oz oil

3 oz ground turkey, 1/2 oz cheese
3 rice cakes
7 oz salad, 7 oz sauted bell peppers and onions
1 oz sour cream

1 reason I like myself:
I encourage my kids to not quit

3 things I'm grateful for:
1. I stayed up and did the dishes even though I was tired and wanted to go to bed.
2. I was hungry all day, but still didn't eat anything.
3. That I have a sister who is my best friend and will call to check on me regularly.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tracy day 44

Let the games begin!

4 oz milk, 4 oz yogurt
4 oz mixed berries
1 oz dry oats

1 oz cheese, 2 oz sausage
5 oz cooked carrots, 7 oz raw veggies(carrots, celery, cucumber)
1/2 oz dressing

4 oz Chicken
4 oz Rice
7 oz cooked green beans, 7 oz salad
1/2 oz salad dressing

1 Reason I like myself:
I haven't quit yet

3 Things I'm grateful for:
1. General conference
2. My husband
3. My children