Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sab Day 9

Alright, so, I didn't weigh in, but I'm pretty sure I'm under 160. WOOHOOO! I will try to remember tomorrow morning.

4 oz fruit
8 oz milk
4 oz oatmeal

4 oz meat (if I can find any. . . I forgot to bring some)
12 oz cooked carrots, raw cucumber/any thing else that is left in my drawer
1 clementine (maybe)

4.5 oz mashed potatoes (they should be gone after tonight)
12 oz broccoli
4 oz chicken

I am feeling pretty skinny these days. Right now I don't feel skinny b/c my belly is poking out b/c I have bad posture, but I still feel pretty skinny. I am thinking I might hit my 155 goal before we got to Disney, which would be AWESOME.

My monthly goals:
April 1: 155 (b/c I'm sure I'll gain a bit at disney, I am shooting low)
May 1: 150
June 1: 145
July 1: 140
August 1: 135
So five pounds a month, which I think is totally doable. And once I get to 135, I think I'll be done. We'll see when I get there, but 135 sounds awesome to me. And I'll have it done by our anniversary! Which means I'll be skinny in our pictures YAAY!

I am feeling positive. I'm hungry right now, so I'm drinking a cup of water, and will eat in about an hour.  I just feel like I can do this!

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